Building A Home Gym
1 min read
Gyms are one of the casualties in the ongoing battle against the spread of COVID-19. This hits the establishment owners, but this is also discouraging for health buffs and athletes. The quarantine and other extreme measures can go on for more months until a working vaccine will be available to the public.
Even though the situation is like that, you can still perform the usual exercise you do in the gym. You have the time and an adjustable work arrangement, and you can build your own home gym. To help you, you can purchase any of the following products online.
- Exercise mat = serves as a cover when lying down, floor protection and traction for feet
- Exercise bands = used primarily for resistance training
- Kettlebells = for dynamic strengthening exercises and weighted aerobic exercises
- Push-up stands = for adding variations to the conventional push-ups
- Dumbbells = classic equipment and existing with sets of different attachable weights
- Medicine balls = weighted ball for strengthening exercises that need easy handling
- Exercise balls = large, inflatable balls to be used for increasing balance and stability
- Jumping rope = for cheap option on cardiovascular exercises